Centre of Excellence for Water and Sanitation.

Main Banner www.cewas.nwsdb.lk

A brainchild of the National Water Supply and Drainage Board (NWSDB) of Sri Lanka, The Centre of Excellence for Water and Sanitation (cewas) has been established to harness a repository of expertise, experience and enthusiasm that NWSDB possesses.

The cewas, established as an autonomous entity of the NWSDB, and located at close proximity to the capital city Colombo, aims to create value in the water and sanitation sector, for local and overseas parties; through a three pronged effort and hence three key divisions. Namely, a Center for Knowledge, focusing on Capacity Building, a Centre for Innovation which will focus on Research and Development and a Centre for Quality, which will offer and develop Laboratory Services.


Provide Synergized, Innovative and Progressive Business Solutions Towards Quality.


Empower Water and Sanitation Professionals through Applied Learning and Innovation.

The NWSDB – A Repository to Rise Above Water Challenges Through Excellence.

With a history that spans 47 years (established in 1974), the NWSDB is the principal organization supplying potable water to Sri lanka. With a consumer base of 2 million serving half of the country’s households, it has set itself an ambitious target to expand coverage to 80% of households by 2025.

Our assets include 331 water supply schemes across the island, producing 2 million cubic meters of water per day, distributed by 40,000 km of pipe networks, sourced from surface sources, ground sources, and sea and water treatment plants which can overcome quality constraints using technologies ranging from the simple to the more sophisticated.

Water reclamation is a key area of focus today and the NWSDB‘s Reclamation Division contributes significantly towards achieving the national sanitation goals for Sri Lanka.

cewas chaiman

NWSDB’s human capital numbering 9,000 possess a wealth of knowledge, skills and experience from across a multitude of disciplines and has been the key value driver of the organization. The human capital comprises a multitude of disciplines and includes Engineers, Scientists (Chemists/Bacteriologists), Sociologists, Geologists, Management specialists and Accountants who possess Bachelors to post graduate qualifications from renowned national and international universities.

Areas of expertise of National Water Supply and Drainage Board

  • Water treatment.

  • Water transmission, storage and distribution.

  • Water quality monitoring.

  • Water Reclamation.

  • Electro mechanical and automation.

  • Ground water.

  • Social and Economic.

  • Commercial and Financial.

  • Project Management and Construction.

About us Main Banner www.cewas.nwsdb.lk